Reclaiming time: Productivity tips for 2021

One blessing of 2020 is that we are not starting 2021 with the arrogance of being in-charge of our own lives. While 2021 has started with fewer conversations about new year resolutions and detoxing, it is filled with more conversations about the unpredictability of...

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Switching to virtual learning? Here’s how!

COVID19 has brought the future of work to here and how. The ‘trends to watch out for’ predicted by global surveys had to be adopted overnight. And as organizations regroup and remap their strategy, virtual learning has taken center stage in helping teams charge...

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COVID19 : A test for founders

The COVID19 crisis is here to stay for some time. As governments and large corporates announce measures and activate their BCPs (Business Contingency Plans), they are showing the market that they have learnt from past crises and are prepared. But what about founders...

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Tackling the myths around remote working

“The office of the future might not be an office at all.” – Peoria Magazine, 2011 Virtual-only offices may have seemed futuristic back then, but the idea is now here to stay! Thanks to technology, more and more businesses are embracing the culture of remote working....

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Engaging millennials: The rules need to change

Let’s start with why we should all be thinking about millennials. By 2025, millennials will account for 75% of the global workforce. They will hold dominant numbers in leadership roles, in most teams, on boards and in the elite groups of new generation founders who...

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Caution! Your values are always at work

It is an interesting contrast of conversations that I hear on values. There is a cynical grunt that goes up when my clients talk of the use of values at corporations and at the same time, the internal hunt for balance and satisfaction leads back to alignment with...

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